How to get AdSense letter for the first time? How to give the address.


We opened a YouTube channel + website and thought it would be great to have an income generating system now. Then we apply for AdSense. 

After a long wait, we may get AdSense approval. But when there is 10$ add in the account, they send a letter to the post office which contains an important code which you cannot withdraw even if you earn money. So understand how important it is. However, many of them do not get the letter or even if they get it takes a lot of time. So everyone should know how to give the address correctly. Today I will tell you a rule, give the address in that way and then you will be free from worries.

What Is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a Google service that is advertised. Simply put, you must have seen some ads on various blogs or websites or YouTube videos. These ads are mainly given through Google Adsense. When someone clicks on these ads and visits the advertiser's site, the advertiser pays Google a certain amount of money. Google left a little something out of that money. The rest of the money is given to the admin or owner of the blog or YouTube video. So the more clicks on the ad, the more money will be deposited in the AdSense account of the owner of the blog or YouTube video. With a maximum deposit of 100$, Google AdSense deposits the money into the bank account of the blog or video owner. This is one of the biggest and most widely used ways to earn money from blogs or YouTube.

How to give address in AdSense payment option.

All of the following should be matched with the ID card. If you do not have an ID card, give it to someone in the family.

  • Name:- The name must match the ID card. If you do not have an ID card, give it to someone in the family
  • Address line 1:- Enter your village name in the address line 1, name your area and house number or name with commas
  • Address line 2- Enter the name of your post office here and the name of the police station. P.O: post office P.S: Police Station
  • City:- Enter your district name here.
  • Postal code:- Enter the postal code of your post office If you don't know, type the name of your post office in Google and search.
  • mobile number:- Enter your mobile number here.

When it's 10$, Auto Pin will send you a letter in 2-4 weeks. All you have to do is.

You go to the post office and say the name of your area and tell who gives the letter in this area. Then tell the person who gives the letter to Ginger in your area that a letter will come with this name and the type of letter will be like this. Thanks to everyone in the next post I will show you how to add a bank account in AdSense.

the code appears after 60 seconds.

Copy the code after appear

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