How to make blog website?

There are many ways to create a blog website. The best of them are to create a blog from WordPress and the other is to create a blog website from Blogger.

You can create a blog site from any one. If you wish, you can create a premium site for free or for some money.
I will tell you today how to create a blog website from WordPress.
Good to know If you want to create a blog with the purpose of making a real income then I would tell you not to go for free but spend some money but work with premium domain hosting and theme.
Whatever you need to create a blog site
1 / A domain name: The domain name is the name of your site, such as This is a domain name. And the last part here is called domain (.Com). There are many different types of domains. You need to create a domain name, such as {.net, .edu, .org, .mobi, .bd, .in, .info, .xyz,} by choosing a domain from here. There is also a free domain (.tk, .ga, .ml, gq, etc.).
2 / Hosting: Your blog site requires a hosting server. A hosting server is a type of hard disk or memory that resides on the Internet. When you create your site, of course your site will need to keep various files or images, audio, video etc. You will need a memory or place to keep these files. This memory or place is called hosting. . Such as: Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Reseller Hosting etc. Blog sites generally do not require that much hosting. If you have 1 GB of hosting space for a year, you can still increase your demand accordingly. So you have to increase the hosting from any one server.
3 / Have a Gmail account: You must have a Gmail account. If not, you must create a Gmail account. For this post, at the beginning of this post I have given an article link on how to open a Gmail account, you can love to open a Gmail account that is very professional.
4 / A Premium Theme: What will be the design of your site, where is an element, what is the text font of your article, how much is the size, where is the color, in a word, the external view of your site is your theme. There is no comparison to a premium theme to protect the beauty of your site and attract visitors. Although there is no shortage of free themes in WordPress, the premium theme is the best. So creating your blog will require a premium theme.
How to start a blog

To create a site you must first register a domain name and hosting, there are numerous websites for this. The best I have seen in is that by visiting this site you can buy a domain and a hosting you like, or you can pick up a domain and hosting from any website you like. No matter Then they will give you a site control panel to control your site through which you can control everything on your site.
Once the domain hosting has been taken, you will have to login to the control panel and search for WordPress from the software options.
Then install WordPress and from there you will get a blog site where you can write any article or post you want.
If you know the work of webdesign and web development then you will not have to worry about it. You can develop and customize your blog very well. But if you do not know how to work, but you do not have to either work with developers to buy custom themes.
In this case it is good to say that if you want to do this by increasing the amount of developers, you will have to pay a lot of costs. Which may not be possible for many. So I think there are a lot of good custom themes available at low prices, from which you can purchase a theme and install it on your blog.
This will reduce your costs in many ways and allow you to customize and customize your theme the way you want. Because you don't need to know the coding anymore to customize the current premium themes.
You can customize everything from WordPress to theme customization options. Without doing everything you can control most tasks from there without any coding knowledge.
How to post on a blog

After logging into your blog and entering the dashboard you will see an option called Post from there, you will see a blank box by clicking on New Post. There you have to write your post, then give a title of that post and give a thumbnail of your post or article so that the post is nice to look at. Then, according to the specifications of the post, the category will be published only after clicking on the publish button.
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