Do you want to create a website blogger or with WordPress? Which is the best? Find out the See now!

 Many of us are worried that before creating the website, many people fall in the middle of the word.

The following are the benefits of making WordPress.

  1. Those who are learning web developments, especially WordPress's A2Jets are easy to customize to them.
  2.  Easy to design water.
  3. Extra options are available through plugins.
  4. The desire for income is where you want to add ads.

The problems of making WordPress are given below

  1. There must be a lot of knowledge about customizing WordPress. If you update something incorrectly, then the site will become 404.
  2. To get a backup of the daily backup, there should be a lot of expertise to restore the problem again.
  3. If you want to edit the theme or plugins, basic concepts about PHP language should be minimal.
  4. There must be enough money to buy a good company's hosting pack.
  5. Google Adsense is more available than Blogger.
How many of the above work can you do?
If you can all, start today by writing a website and writing.

If you can not learn then When you can learn them completely, then take the field to play, otherwise, there will be no way out of the tail.

Blogging facilities are given below:

  1. Any common person can customize easily.
  2. Do not buy hosting packs, Google offers hosting in the freebies.
  3. Google does not have a chance to hack a site because Google Blogger is responsible for the security of the site itself.
  4. But your top domain will keep you safe from hackers.
  5. Time to write posts takes much less than WordPress sites.
  6. The gadget offers some extra features.
  7. Google Adsense is less available than WordPress.

Blogging problems are given below:

  1. Notification is available when someone comments using Wordpress such as notification plugin, Blogger does not have the facility.
  2. Blogger does not have such a comment system, such as the comment system.
  3. Ads can not be made for income like WordPress.
  4. Wordpress can not be made for bloggers such as editors, moderators, subscribers, but the author can be made.

If you ask me about your brother, what is your opinion, which one would be better?

Then I will say if you have a lot of knowledge about WordPress, then you can make WordPress by installing WordPress.

But if I say if I can do everything, but will not you make a site first and break the flowers and then say that I can.

If you do not, then build with Blogger, not from the sit.

You do not have to be very patient, and you have to work a lot, I'm sure will be able to keep you successful.

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